Saturday, May 4, 2019

Key Needs of Lithonia High School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Key Needs of Lithonia High School - Essay ExampleThe researcher states that from Danielson and Jensen, he acquired an appreciation of the need for educational institutions to develop the capability to make regular assessments as well as the necessity for academic institutions to build a culture of assessment. Lithonia High School is in Lithonia, Georgia, a start to the middle-class suburban community active 20 miles east of Atlanta. Lithonia High School covers grades 9-12. Latest figures sign that school enrollment was 1,692 in 2009, almost equally distributed between males or females, or boys and girls. Lithonia is a predominantly Black or African-American community with a median household income of $23,397 in 2009. In contrast, the median income for the entire United States was $49,777. As we all know, the concept of the median income means that 50% of the population has an income train below the median while the other 50% of the population has an income level above the median . Thus, data aim that Lithonia is one of the communities in the United States in which at least half(prenominal) of the population belong to the utmost income groups of the United States. Lithonias population characteristics are reflected in the enrollment of Lithonia High School. More than 96% of the school-age child population is composed of Blacks or African-Americans, about 1.5% are Hispanics, less than 1% is composed of Whites, and less than 1% is composed of American Indians. Lithonia High school has about a hundred teachers and teacher-student ratio stands at about 115. The 9th grade composes around 36% of the student population 10th grade around 25%11th grade around 21% and 12th grade about 17%. The sum does not add up to 100% because of rounding operation. Lithonia High School is qualified under the Title I program and this means that the school can access government programs assisting low-income students and those at risks. At least half of the student population is qu alified to get lunch for free or lunch at minify costs.

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